State of the Lending Industry: Generational Preferences in Lending

On-Demand Webinar

Date: October 20, 2022

Financial institutions are challenged with delivering the unique experiences different generations are seeking, especially when it comes to loan and account origination. Millennials are outpacing the older generations in not only loan volume, but also the size of loans.  

In the next 10 years, Gen Z and Millennials are estimated to be the primary applicants for loans. To lead and grow, financial institutions will need to deliver the experiences these digital-savvy cohorts expect. 

During this session we’ll discuss: 

  • Trends by demographic for loan and account origination
  • Navigating the expectations of today’s consumer by understanding their preferences by segment
  • Getting ahead and staying ahead with a true digital strategy 
  • The risks of rising delinquencies in younger generations and strategies to build relationships with consumers for the long term 

If you aren’t able to attend the live event, register to receive a copy of the on-demand recording. 

Presented By:

Ian Goldsmith
SVP, Product Management 

Bill Handel,
General Manager & Chief Economist, Raddon

Matt Smithson,
Director, Product Management